The Ångström distribution is a Linux distribution for a variety of embedded devices. The distribution is the result of a unification of developers from the OpenZaurus, OpenEmbedded, and OpenSIMpad projects. Amongst other options the user interface in one of the reference builds achievable with BitBake is the GPE Palmtop Environment. Ångström uses opkg for package management. == Target platforms == According to the Ångström wiki, Ångström is being developed for at least the following devices: * Sharp Zaurus: * * SL-5500 (Collie) (not supported in current stable release) * * SL-5600 (Poodle) * * SL-6000 (Tosa) * * SL-C7x0 (Corgi, Husky, Shepherd) * * SL-C860 (Boxer) * * SL-C1000 (Akita) * * SL-C3xxx (Spitz, Borzoi, Terrier) * Hewlett Packard iPAQ PDA * * h2200 * * h4000 * * hx4700 * * h5000 * Nokia 770 Internet Tablet * HTC Universal/iMate JasJar * Motorola A780 * Psion Teklogix NetBook Pro * Gumstix and Kouchuk-Bars * Hawkboard * BeagleBoard * BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black * PandaBoard * OpenPandora * OMAPEVM * Base for Openmoko distribution * Archos 5 * Archos 7 * Archos 5 Internet Tablet * Archos 101 * Archos 32 * Archos 28 * Minnowboard * Polyvision Roomwizard * piA-AM335x